Phoebe Cates Husband, Dating History, Relationships

Phoebe Cates Dating

Who Is Phoebe Cates Dating Right Now?

Phoebe Cates's husband is Kevin Kline.

Phoebe Cates Dating History

Phoebe Cates has had 2 public relationships dating back to 1989.

On average, she dates men 10 years older than herself.


Phoebe Cates Boyfriend List

* Phoebe Cates is 61 years older than Kevin Kline.
6' 2"
Willie Aames
* Phoebe Cates is 3 years younger than Willie Aames.
5' 6"

Physical Characteristics From Her Relationships

Main Photo: Greg in Hollywood (Greg Hernandez) (Flickr) CC-BY-2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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