Robert Wolders Girlfriend, Dating History, Relationships

Robert Wolders Dating

Who Is Robert Wolders Dating Right Now?

Robert Wolders's current girlfriend is Shirlee Fonda.

Robert Wolders Dating History

Robert Wolders has had 4 public relationships dating back to 1995.

On average, he dates women 13 years older than himself.


Robert Wolders Girlfriend List

Shirlee Fonda
No Additional Info...
* Robert Wolders is 88 years older than Leslie Caron.
5' 1½"
Audrey Hepburn
* Robert Wolders is 88 years older than Audrey Hepburn.
5' 6 1/2"
103 lbs
Merle Oberon
5' 2"

Physical Characteristics From His Relationships

Main Photo: NBC Television (eBay item photo front photo back) PD US no notice, via Wikimedia Commons


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