Al Roker Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Al Roker quotes and sayings page 2 (69 year old entertainer). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 47 we have for him.

Al Roker Quotes
“My first college roommate greeted me with a shocked silence followed by, 'So... you're black.'”
Al Roker Quotes
“I have been blessed with working with the best in the business.”
Al Roker Quotes
“A massive state and federal effort, the likes of which we've never seen is going to be needed. We can do it for tsunami victims half a world away. We can do it for our own citizens.”
“When Courtney's mother and I first separated I tried to be Disney Dad, showering her with gifts, trips and then I snapped out of it. You don't have to try to impress your kids. If they're not getting what they need from you, they will let you know.”
Al Roker Quotes
“I was just thrilled to get the gig to begin with. Ten years later to still have it is not only thrilling but also somewhat of a puzzlement.”
Al Roker Quotes
“I love my refrigerator.”
Al Roker Quotes
“People who are overweight don't want unsolicited advice. Guess what. We know we're fat. We live in homes with mirrors.”
Al Roker Quotes
“People who would never think of dealing in racial or sexual stereotypes will still throw in a fat joke because it's still OK. Really?”
Al Roker Quotes
“Tuesday nights are sushi nights, so we go out then.”
Al Roker Quotes
“You can't go wrong with relatively simple comfort food. It's also about ease. Some cook to impress. I cook for people to enjoy the food.”

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