Ana Ortiz Quotes & Sayings

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20 most famous Ana Ortiz quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 54 year old American actress born on Jan 25, 1971.

“The most important thing is to find the balance between city and nature. I have that 'hippie quality' - my husband is a super-hippie Los Angeles boy - so we'll have to make time to go to Puerto Rico, and upstate New York, and be sure we get to do outdoorsy stuff like that.”
“I need to eat before a workout. If I exercise in the morning, I'll have a little oatmeal, cereal, or a hard-boiled egg with toast. If I go in the afternoon, I'll eat a turkey sandwich with cheese for lunch.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“I spent my 30s figuring out how to be a grown up, I guess. I loved my 30s! My 30s were really about being happy with what I was doing.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“I was really lucky. My gal pal was my mom.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“I think New York is a really wonderful place to raise a child. There's so much available, and so much diversity and culture, lots of things to see and do. My whole family is here.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“I have a rescue dog named Fideo, which means 'noodle' in Spanish, and a cat named Hutch.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“Being in New York City is the best because I'm always walking, taking the subway and walking up and down the stairs - whether you like it or not, you're going to get exercise.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“I don't relate to that angst-y kid who hates their parents because they were horrible. It's just not my life and it's not the life of a lot of my friends.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“I'm passionate about mobilizing young Latinos to get to the polls, so I'm involved with Voto Latino. Latinos are a vital but underrepresented force in this country.”
Ana Ortiz Quotes
“My family couldn't be more supportive. They're worried and they're always in my business, and my mother does send me grad-school applications every now and again.”

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