Bruno Latour Quotes & Sayings

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6 most famous Bruno Latour quotes and sayings (scientist).

Bruno Latour Quotes
“Scientists are very much entangled in their culture and this culture is not pristine, untouched by other cultures and practices.”
“My interest is that there is a disconnect between the science and the size of the threat that people mention about nature, the planet and the climate, and the emotion that this triggers. So we are supposed to be extremely frightened people, but despite that we appear to sleep pretty well.”
Bruno Latour Quotes
“The only shibboleth the West has is science. It is the premise of modernity and it defines itself as a rationality capable of, indeed requiring separation from politics, religion and really, society. Modernisation is to work towards this.”
Bruno Latour Quotes
“India is a reservoir of alternative interpretations of what the global is, and these ways of viewing the world need to be exposed.”
Bruno Latour Quotes
“The composition of a common world would be the definition of politics.”
Bruno Latour Quotes
“If one looks at the works of Newton to Einstein, they were never scientists in the way modernity understands the term.”

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