Dan Kaminsky Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Dan Kaminsky quotes and sayings (businessman).

Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“BitCoin is actually an exploit against network complexity. Not financial networks, or computer networks, or social networks. Networks themselves.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“I'm not an economist; I'm a hacker who has spent his career exploring and repairing large networks.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“The Internet's proven to be a pretty big deal for global society, and Bitcoin could basically be thought of as the Internet, applied to money.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“It is a fairly open secret that almost all systems can be hacked, somehow. It is a less spoken of secret that such hacking has actually gone quite mainstream.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“Software tends not to kill people, and so we accept incredibly fast innovation loops because the consequences are tolerable and the results are astonishing.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“Bitcoin's got its issues. But it is not competing with perfection.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“I'll be blunt: Money's gotten buggy.”
Dan Kaminsky Quotes
“The reality of most software development is that the consequences of failure are simply nonexistent.”

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