David Eagleman Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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David Eagleman quotes and sayings page 2 (scientist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 22 we have.

David Eagleman Quotes
“As an undergraduate I majored in British and American literature at Rice University.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“My dream is to reform the legal system over the next 20 years.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“There are always wonderful mysteries to confront.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“What we find is that our brains have colossal things happening in them all the time.”
“What has always surprised me when I walk into a bookstore is the number of books that you can find that are written with certainty. The authors tell some story as though it's true, but they don't have any evidence that it is true!”
“The same stimuli in the world can be inducing very different experiences internally and it's probably based on a single change in a gene. What I am doing is pulling the gene forward and imaging and doing behavioural tests to understand what that difference is and how reality can be constructed so differently.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“The three-pound organ in your skull - with its pink consistency of Jell-o - is an alien kind of computational material. It is composed of miniaturized, self-configuring parts, and it vastly outstrips anything we've dreamt of building.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“I spent my adult life as a scientist, and science is, essentially, the most successful approach we have to try and understand the vast mysteries around.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“I always bounce my legs when I'm sitting.”
David Eagleman Quotes
“Part of the scientific temperament is this tolerance for holding multiple hypotheses in mind at the same time.”

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