Debra Winger Quotes & Sayings

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53 most famous Debra Winger quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 69 year old American actor born on May 16, 1955.

Debra Winger Quotes
“Most bad behaviour comes from insecurity.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“It's such an amazing thing to be loved for who you are.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“Most bad behavior comes from insecurity.”
“When I was younger I probably didn't understand something basic about tact, but I think it kept faint-hearted people at arm's distance and that's not such a bad thing, because life is short and I know the kind of people I want to work with.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“A good marriage is different to a happy marriage.”
“I had a very insightful friend who warned me back when I stopped reading scripts, 'It's easier to change directions while you're still moving.' If you stop, it's harder to get started again. I still don't think I made the wrong decision, but he was right.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“If I could have one prayer answered, I would pray for patience. I move so fast sometimes. I try to slow down.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“When you connect with a cause, it's like falling in love.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“In the early part of my life I carried the flame for fiery women: perky women who were not dumb.”
Debra Winger Quotes
“I tend to wear outfits that match the walls.”

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