Douglas Rushkoff Quotes & Sayings (Page 10)

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Douglas Rushkoff quotes and sayings page 10 (journalist). Here's quote # 91 through 100 out of the 108 we have.

Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“New technologies are wreaking havoc on employment figures - from EZpasses ousting toll collectors to Google-controlled self-driving automobiles rendering taxicab drivers obsolete.”
Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“Every new computer program is basically doing some task that a person used to do. But the computer usually does it faster, more accurately, for less money, and without any health insurance costs.”
Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“Invest in people who will take care of you when you're old.”
Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“A currency designed for long-term storage and investment doesn't do so well at encouraging transactions and exchange in the moment.”
Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“It feels as if ever since the iPhone was released, the Macintosh computer has become just another leverage point in this other operating system's marketing plan.”
Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“Children are being adultified because our economy is depending on them to make purchasing decisions. So they're essentially the victims of a marketing and capitalist machine gone awry.”
“No matter how invasive the technologies at their disposal, marketers and pollsters never come to terms with the living process through which people choose products or candidates; they are looking at what people just bought or thought, and making calculations based on that after-the-fact data.”
Douglas Rushkoff Quotes
“The new Zune may not be an iPod killer, but it does offer a clean interface, great industrial design, HD radio, and a subscription model for music, making it significantly less expensive for big users.”
“For Google, the problem with being a free, abundant, and rather infinite set of services is that it's hard to create much of a stir about anything. There are so many major software service options under the 'more' menu on the Gmail page that they've had to go and add a final item called 'even more.'”
“I do remember the moment when, as a child, I realized that the things we call 'TV shows' are really just the stuff that gets put between commercials. Later, I came to see that the kinds of things that get on 'free' TV are shows that help sell products.”

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