Francois Hollande Quotes & Sayings

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63 most famous Francois Hollande quotes and sayings (statesman). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Francois Hollande Quotes
“The United Nations will be at the heart of our international activities. France will assume its full responsibilities at the Security Council by putting its status at the service of peace, respect for human rights and development.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“We have chased away the clouds, the sky is all 'rose.'”
“I think that France has not made it clear enough recently to our German friends how important it is to introduce euro bonds as a tool against speculation. And how the necessary budget discipline needs to be accompanied by growth.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“Is France a northern European export powerhouse, or a Mediterranean indebted and dependent economy? Yes to both.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“My adversary is the world of finance.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“An education program is, by definition, a societal program. Work should be done at school, rather than at home.”
“We need the help of other member countries and leaders who, like us, want to see a change in Europe's direction. That's also my logic when I tell voters that electing me president will not only shape France's future, but also initiate change across all of Europe.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“I don't like indecent, unearned wealth. But it is legitimate for an entrepreneur who has created something to make a good living.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“That is now my mission: to provide a European vision of growth, employment, prosperity - in one word, our future.”
Francois Hollande Quotes
“I perfectly understood President Obama's attitude throughout the French presidential campaign. He had no reason to distance himself from Nicolas Sarkozy. It's the basic solidarity that leaders who worked together owe to each other.”

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