Gordon Gee Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Gordon Gee quotes and sayings page 2 (educator). These are the last 9 out of 19 quotes we have.

Gordon Gee Quotes
“A truly great university is a nucleus of artistic expression. It fosters creative, critical thought, and serves as a platform for civil discourse.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“Being president of a major public university is the most political nonpolitical office around.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“I often have said that to be a college president, you need a thick skin, a good sense of humor, and nerves like sewer pipes.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“I spent the first 18 years of my life in the pastoral town of Vernal, Utah, in the shadows of the Book Cliffs and the Uinta Mountains.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“College graduates work in every sector of the American economy, and the research engines incubated within our universities generate a wealth of ideas and innovations that have an enormous impact on our lives.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“As one of the country's largest land-grant universities, Ohio State must play a critical role in moving our country forward.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“People look at me like I'm crazy when I say that our greatest partnership here at Ohio State should be with the community colleges.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“The Ohio State University has a rich - if quiet - heritage of the arts.”
Gordon Gee Quotes
“I believe everything learned in college is an answer to a question that someone has posed. Questions get posed differently and the answers that come back transport us to places we never knew existed.”

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