Herbert Simon Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Herbert Simon quotes and sayings page 2 (scientist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 22 we have.

Herbert Simon Quotes
“Anything that gives us new knowledge gives us an opportunity to be more rational.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“Human knowledge has been changing from the word go and people in certain respects behave more rationally than they did when they didn't have it. They spend less time doing rain dances and more time seeding clouds.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“The social sciences, I thought, needed the same kind of rigor and the same mathematical underpinnings that had made the 'hard' sciences so brilliantly successful.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“The world is vast, beautiful, and fascinating, even awe-inspiring - but impersonal. It demands nothing of me, and allows me to demand nothing of it.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“All correct reasoning is a grand system of tautologies, but only God can make direct use of that fact.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“Forget about Nobel prizes; they aren't really very important.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“I don't care how big and fast computers are, they're not as big and fast as the world.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“Maybe we ought to have a world in which things are divided between people kind of fairly.”
Herbert Simon Quotes
“No one has characterized market mechanisms better than Friedrich von Hayek.”
“Most of us really aren't horribly unique. There are 6 billion of us. Put 'em all in one room and very few would stand out as individuals. So maybe we ought to think of worth in terms of our ability to get along as a part of nature, rather than being the lords over nature.”

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