Sue Lyon Boyfriend, Dating History, Relationships

Sue Lyon Dating

Who Is Sue Lyon Dating Right Now?

Sue Lyon is currently single.

Sue Lyon Dating History

Sue Lyon has had 9 public relationships dating back to 1985.

On average, she dates men 18 years older than herself.


Sue Lyon Boyfriend List

Richard Rudman
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Edward Weathers
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Cotton Adamson
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Roland Harrison
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Robert Towne
* Sue Lyon is 78 years older than Robert Towne.
Hampton Fancher
* Sue Lyon is 78 years older than Hampton Fancher.
6' 3"
John Ireland
6' 1"
Richard Burton
* Sue Lyon is 78 years older than Richard Burton.
5' 9"
Eddie Fisher
* Sue Lyon is 78 years older than Eddie Fisher.
5' 4½"

Physical Characteristics From Her Relationships

Main Photo: 20th Century Fox (eBay front back) PD US no notice, via Wikimedia Commons


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