J. K. Rowling Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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J. K. Rowling quotes and sayings page 4 (author). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 119 we have.

J. K. Rowling Quotes
“Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“I don't read 'chick lit,' fantasy or science fiction but I'll give any book a chance if it's lying there and I've got half an hour to kill.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“I'm opposed to fundamentalism in any form.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“If you're holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“I've been writing my entire life, and I'll always write.”
“I'm interested in that drive, that rush to judgment, that is so prevalent in our society. We all know that pleasurable rush that comes from condemning, and in the short term it's quite a satisfying thing to do, isn't it?”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“Death is just life's next big adventure.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself. I never in my wildest dreams expected this popularity.”
J. K. Rowling Quotes
“Honestly, I think we should be delighted people still want to read, be it on a Kindle or a Nook or whatever the latest device is.”

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