James Wan Quotes & Sayings

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6 most famous James Wan quotes and sayings. He's a 48 year old Australian producer born on Feb 27, 1977.

“For me and my films, I want my audience to experience cinema in its full glory. It's not just visual, it's audio as well. It's emotional, and I want you to be engaged with not just the scene but with the characters.”
“We think craft is important, and the irony has always been that horror may be disregarded by critics, but often they are the best-made movies you're going to find in terms of craft. You can't scare people if they see the seams.”
James Wan Quotes
“For me, the sound design and the musical score is a big part of what makes scary movies work.”
James Wan Quotes
“Not many people realize this, but I'm a really squeamish guy. When I watch other horror films that are really over-the-top with their blood and guts, I cannot watch it.”
James Wan Quotes
“I'm a big movie fan, and I want to make movies in every genre. I want to make my romantic comedy one day.”
James Wan Quotes
“Whether it's a popcorn movie or some really intellectual sociopolitical movie, I think to some degree they're all influenced by the social climate that we're living in.”

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