Keeley Hawes Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Keeley Hawes quotes and sayings page 3 (49 year old actress). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 49 we have for her.

Keeley Hawes Quotes
“I was never one of those teenagers who sang into their hairbrush.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“I went on two holidays as a child. It wasn't what people did where I grew up.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“I worked in McDonald's, but I didn't mind it. You got free cheeseburgers. I love eating a bit of junk food.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“I'm a size 12 and I'm very happy with it.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“I've never seen an episode of 'Downton Abbey.'”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“If I was ambitious in my career, then I would have moved to the United States and given it a good go at films.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“If there's room for 30 reality shows, surely there's room for two amazing costume dramas.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“In the adverts, I look like I do because 150 people have spent seven hours making me look dazzling. That's not me at all.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“It's very easy to keep putting off having a family if you enjoy your job, but you just have to get on with life.”
Keeley Hawes Quotes
“Life is simply too short to think about everything you put in your mouth, and it's not good for children to see you picking over bits of salad.”

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