Laura Linney Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Laura Linney quotes and sayings page 8 (61 year old actress). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 83 we have for her.

Laura Linney Quotes
“For me to have the opportunity to stay with one character for, God willing, a long period of time, is really exciting.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“I always laugh to myself when I listen to some really big A-list star saying that they are just a normal person.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“I certainly didn't have a nanny.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“I grew up in Manhattan and, since my father was a playwright, all I ever wanted to be was a stage actress.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“I grew up in Manhattan on the Upper East Side.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“My parents were divorced and I would spend weekends with my father.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“People can't really place me. They're not really sure who I am. Sometimes they think I'm Helen Hunt. Sometimes they think I'm Laura Dern.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“If there's one thing that I've done on purpose it's to take whatever job, so long as it's interesting and challenging, whether it's theatre, radio, TV or film.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“It's very hard to put forth a film that's about love and the joy of love and for it not to be patronising and not make people nauseous or make them roll their eyes.”
Laura Linney Quotes
“I mean, the idea of losing a parent is really inconceivable. I think there's just an undertone of dread about the subject, so people don't talk about it and don't prepare for it.”

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