Lyn Nofziger Quotes & Sayings

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19 most famous Lyn Nofziger quotes and sayings (journalist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“Freedom is our most precious commodity and if we are not eternally vigilant, government will take it all away. Individual freedom demands individual responsibility.”
“The reason this country continues its drift toward socialism and big nanny government is because too many people vote in the expectation of getting something for nothing, not because they have a concern for what is good for the country.”
Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“The executive branch has grown too strong, the judicial branch too arrogant and the legislative branch too stupid.”
Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“I cannot show remorse because I do not believe I am guilty.”
Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“That guns do more than protect us from criminals; more importantly, they protect us from the ongoing threat of government.”
“I think the American people have become more reliant upon government and less reliant upon themselves and that they now tend to put security ahead of freedom, but I think freedom is the most important aspect of our lives.”
Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“These things I believe: that government should butt out.”
Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“A better educated electorate might change the reason many persons vote.”
Lyn Nofziger Quotes
“I'm not a social friend of the Reagans. That's by their choice and by mine. They don't drink enough.”
“He and Reagan were not at all alike, because Reagan is an optimist and Dick Nixon wasn't. Yet in some ways they were alike. Neither really liked to talk on the telephone, for instance. And, in a lot of respects, both of them were very much loners.”

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