Mandy Moore Quotes & Sayings

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85 most famous Mandy Moore quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 40 year old American musician born on Apr 10, 1984.

Mandy Moore Quotes
“A smile is so sexy, yet so warm. When someone genuinely smiles at you, it's the greatest feeling in the world.”
“In 2009, I traveled to South Sudan with my organization PSI. While there, I visited a local school and met with a group of children who had formed a water club. The group learned about how to treat their drinking water and use proper hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before eating or after going to the bathroom.”
“Rapunzel is a bit more relatable than the other princesses, especially because she doesn't even know that she's a princess until the very end of the movie. I like to think of her as the bohemian Disney princess. She's barefoot and living in a tower. She paints and reads... She's a Renaissance woman.”
Mandy Moore Quotes
“Music is my first love.”
Mandy Moore Quotes
“My mom has always been my support system. She taught me to never give up and to keep pursuing my passions no matter what.”
Mandy Moore Quotes
“I have ambitions to do a Broadway record one of these days and get in the studio with like, a real orchestra. I'm a big musical theatre geek.”
Mandy Moore Quotes
“I've always considered myself a fairly romantic person. I believe in love and falling in love at a young age.”
Mandy Moore Quotes
“I like pencil skirts because they hug me in all the right places.”
Mandy Moore Quotes
“It feels important to go school; not necessarily to further my education, but more like a hobby.”
“I think it's flattering when people say I'm a role model, but I don't think I am. It depends on your outlook on the word 'role model.' I'm not perfect or anything. I just consider it a great compliment.”

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