Mariah Carey Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Mariah Carey quotes and sayings page 2 (55 year old musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 45 we have for her.
“Butterflies are always following me, everywhere I go.”
“One day I promised God that if he would give me my voice back I would never smoke again. I got three octaves back after quitting.”
“I do not think I reinvent myself. Wearing my hair differently or changing my style of dress is playing dress-up. I don't take it too seriously.”
“I'm not vain, I'm insecure.”
“I'd rather be onstage with a pig - a duet with Jennifer Lopez and me just ain't going to happen.”
“If critics have problems with my personal life, it's their problem. Anybody with half a brain would realize that it's the charts that count.”
“You really just want to know that somebody loves you for you. Sometimes you feel like an ATM machine with a wig on it.”
“People are like, 'What is your whole obsession with butterflies?' I'm like, 'I'm not obsessed. I like them. Can't anybody like something?'”
“Basically, I started singing when I started talking. Music has just been my saving grace my whole life.”
“But I think I'm a nice friend and a good person, and I try to do my work as best I can.”
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