Nancy Grace Quotes & Sayings

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38 most famous Nancy Grace quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 64 year old American journalist born on Oct 23, 1959.

Nancy Grace Quotes
“I majored in Shakespearean studies at a very tiny school in Georgia.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“I always thought that was one of the single most important things a prosecutor could do is to seek justice for the families of victims.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“Well, of course I think people can be forgiven. But our justice system is not set up to dispense forgiveness. You can go to the local priest for that.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“If I listened to my critics, I would still be at home under my bed right now.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“I think the truth is black-and-white.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“I don't like juries having the wool pulled over their eyes. I don't think that's what the Constitution is about.”
“With every story that TV covers, somebody - some corporation, some shareholders - are making money. That's true whether covering Libya, Iraq, the tsunami in Japan, Osama bin Laden, whatever story there is. That day, the shareholders are making money off it. Every newspaper that's sold, somebody's making a dime.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“My father was a railroad man his entire life; 43 years for Southern Railroad.”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“Listen, when somebody says, 'I take the fifth,' well, you know, they did something, OK? Why else would they take the fifth?”
Nancy Grace Quotes
“I don't really want to have any part of getting guilty people off.”

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