Paul Shaffer Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Paul Shaffer quotes and sayings page 3 (75 year old musician). These are the last 5 out of 25 quotes we have for him.

Paul Shaffer Quotes
“The Dave Clark Five had more appearances on 'The Ed Sullivan Show' than The Beatles.”
Paul Shaffer Quotes
“The record business has always mystified me. Sometimes there are reasons why things sell or don't sell that can't be understood by mere mortals.”
Paul Shaffer Quotes
“When I discovered that I could tune into American radio stations after dark, this was the hippest thing to me. It sort of saved my life.”
Paul Shaffer Quotes
“When Marty Short and I get together, I sit down at the piano and play the score of 'Godspell.'”
Paul Shaffer Quotes
“Writing never had the immediate gratification I was looking for.”

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