Philip II Of Macedon Height Weight Birthplace Nationality


Philip II of Macedon birthplace
Pella, Macedon
Philip II of Macedon date of birth
Not available
Philip II of Macedon zodiac
Not available
Philip II of Macedon ethnicity / ethnic background
Not available
Philip II of Macedon nationality
Philip II of Macedon religion
Not available
Is Philip II of Macedon gay?
Not available

2025 Body stats

Philip II of Macedon weight
Not available
Philip II of Macedon height
Not available
Philip II of Macedon shoe size / feet size
Not available
Philip II of Macedon body type / build


Philip II of Macedon mother
Eurydice I of Macedon
Philip II of Macedon father
Amyntas III of Macedon


Philip II of Macedon job
King of Macedon
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