Sienna Miller Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Sienna Miller quotes and sayings page 6 (43 year old actress). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 104 we have for her.

Sienna Miller Quotes
“I am very lucky, I have a very tight group of friends and a very supportive family, and to this date no-one has ever sold a story on me.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“I just want to creatively grow and be inspired. I don't want to do anything generic or dumb.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“The amount of speculation surrounding my romantic life is astounding. It's strange how involved people get: invested and angry, really disappointed.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“I just worry because I know I say a lot, often. It doesn't bother me, it's more about the people that get affected around me.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“I bite the skin on the side of my fingernails.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“I think, if you put a camera in anyone's life and document it daily from the age of 21 to 27, there are going to be things that aren't always pretty.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“Human nature is such that monogamy is a really hard thing to achieve.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“My parents were quite liberal with us, always encouraging us to be our own person and be creative.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“I do think sometimes people get morally superior without understanding situations.”
Sienna Miller Quotes
“I don't go to a gym. I find that really hard to do.”

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