Steven Weber Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Steven Weber quotes and sayings page 3 (64 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 31 we have for him.

Steven Weber Quotes
“Fantasy-based ideologies invariably have neat happy endings where all the bad people and all the bad behavior goes away when the volume is turned up and enough force is applied.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“From the moment America went full-on industrial, it seems like it's been a steady path towards people never having to be physically present in order to satisfy their needs.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“The right-wing just loves making a big entrance.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“Everything sells. Like integrity. Like democracy. Like truth. Like deeds.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“The GOP/corporate right-wing, it seems, never really considers the consequences of their actions.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“What's hard, it seems, is living up to the expectations Democracy imposes upon those who would participate in society.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“I've been a fan of the Marvel Universe since I was a little child.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“It's easy to break things. Much, much easier, it seems, than building them.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“A product is usually created to improve people's lives; otherwise, why buy it? I'm no genius, but I am an American, and gosh-darnit, I consume, so I know what I'm talking about.”
Steven Weber Quotes
“My experience tells me that any time you hear people laughing on a sitcom, it's the writers who happen to be closest to the microphones - not the audience.”

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