Alex Borstein Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Alex Borstein quotes and sayings. She's a 54 year old American actress born on Feb 15, 1971.

Alex Borstein Quotes
“I'm still auditioning and doing other movie parts, but I really like the developing and the writing. You have more control over your destiny.”
Alex Borstein Quotes
“I think I was born because my parents had two boys and wanted to give it one more go and try for a girl... they got me instead.”
Alex Borstein Quotes
“Television and film acting is really fun because you are working with other people and you are not completely responsible for the outcome of the project.”
“Usually, impersonations come out of something you dig, because you're listening to it over and over. And you kind of start developing... You're really trying to emulate them, then you realize, 'I sound ridiculous doing this. Oh, hey, maybe this is a funny impersonation.'”
Alex Borstein Quotes
“Every comic is really a frustrated rock star.”
Alex Borstein Quotes
“I got my degree in rhetoric.”
Alex Borstein Quotes
“I have no point in my system or morals where I say, 'This is too far.'”

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