Mila Kunis Quotes & Sayings

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51 most famous Mila Kunis quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 41 year old American actress born on Aug 14, 1983.

Mila Kunis Quotes
“That is the biggest form of bullying ever, the paparazzi. Printing lies, making accusations, it's just bullying.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“I am... stubborn, and I admit it, so it's OK.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“I had a snowboarding accident. I fell off a horse. I've had a concussion, a fractured rib... I walk into walls. I'm always bruised up.”
“People have interpretations of what you're supposed to be like. If you're unattractive and overweight, you must have a great personality. If you're attractive, then you must not be the nicest person. People are always taken aback that I'm easygoing but not necessarily stupid.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“Always have a backup plan.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“I don't think it's true that blondes have more fun... Trust me, it is not true!”
“I love playing different characters and I love doing fun things and I love to entertain people, whether that be in a comedy or a drama. If I get you to laugh or I get you to cry I'm super stoked, as morbid as that might sound.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“I've always been a fan of Kate Winslet. She's very classy and a sexy little thing, too.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“I honestly think being single's great. Being in a relationship's great. It's all about the timing.”
Mila Kunis Quotes
“I am very much a creature of habit, and I have no life consistency. None.”

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