Amanda Bynes Quotes & Sayings

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28 most famous Amanda Bynes quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 38 year old American actress born on Apr 3, 1986.

Amanda Bynes Quotes
“This is how memories are made... by going with the flow.”
“People have a preconceived notion about who I am and it's interesting. It's like picking who you want to win for the Oscars and not seeing the movie. Before you make a statement about someone, get all the information and see everything before you make a judgment.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“Going to another country you're not in your house, you're with people you've never met before, and I think it's definitely a good growing experience.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“Being an actress isn't as fun as it may seem. If I don't love something, I stop doing it. I don't love acting anymore, so I've stopped doing it.”
“Part of me relates to Perez Hilton because he's an outcast. I don't have a lot of friends who are actresses. They're catty, and they'll cut you down. I like that Perez is proud of who he is and doesn't care what anybody thinks.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“I can't help but laugh at all of you writing fake stories about me. I was not in any hit and runs. I don't drink so the DUI is false.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“I love people who have goals. Somebody who's passionate about life and does their own thing.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“Every person is so different and I don't think there is an exact match for every person. If you meet someone and they have 20 of the 25 things you want in a person, then you're pretty lucky.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“I get a script and it's really interesting with scripts, because you never really know. It's paper and it could be great or awful. Even scripts that are good could end up not working.”
Amanda Bynes Quotes
“I wear Spanx to smooth things out. I read that Jessica Alba wears them and if she wears them, then so should I.”

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