Kourtney Kardashian Quotes & Sayings

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36 most famous Kourtney Kardashian quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 45 year old American celebrity born on Apr 18, 1979.

“Motherhood has most definitely changed me and my life. It's so crazy how drastic even the small details change - in such an amazing way. Even silly things, like the fact that all of my pictures on my cell phone used to be of me at photo shoots - conceited, I know! - but now every single picture on my phone is of Mason.”
“I remember, when I went away to college at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, my aunt sent me a book with the rules of being a Southern Belle. One of the rules was to never wear white after Labor Day. Fashion has a lot to do with confidence and making up your own rules.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“I've been wearing lipstick since I was in 7th grade. That was our form of daring self-expression, because we had to wear uniforms in school. It made our teachers so angry.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“I loved dressing for my pregnant body. A pregnant woman's body is so beautiful. Towards the end, it does get harder, and then it became all about flats and comfortable maxi dresses.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“Fashion is so subjective, and I think it should be playful.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“For me, juggling mommyhood and work is a challenge, but each day I learn little tricks to make it all come together.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“I love Audrey Hepburn.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“I would say a lack of sleep is a cause for feeling not so beautiful. On those days, I try to drink lots of water and put on the biggest sunglasses I can find.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“Being a mom is what life is about. I hope people realize what the priorities in life should be and know not everything has to be perfect.”
Kourtney Kardashian Quotes
“Growing up, I never heard my parents curse, never. The first time I ever said a curse word was with my sister Kim.”

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