Johnny Depp Quotes & Sayings

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49 most famous Johnny Depp quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 61 year old American actor born on Jun 9, 1963.

Johnny Depp Quotes
“People say I make strange choices, but they're not strange for me. My sickness is that I'm fascinated by human behavior, by what's underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people.”
“If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that it's OK to be different, that it's good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it.”
“As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“I don't pretend to be captain weird. I just do what I do.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“I am doing things that are true to me. The only thing I have a problem with is being labeled.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.”
Johnny Depp Quotes
“You grow up a bit damaged or broken then you have some success but you don't know how to feel good about the work you're doing or the life you're leading.”

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