Ellen Page Quotes & Sayings

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41 most famous Ellen Page quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 37 year old Canadian actress born on Feb 21, 1987.

Ellen Page Quotes
“I love nicknames. It makes me feel loved. It makes me feel less alone in this world.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“And I think it's really easy for people to point out hypocrisy in people's lives.”
“I've always been drawn to stories and telling them; whether it was through being a part of theater when I was a little kid, or film, or with music, there's just been an innate desire to feel that connection.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“As a girl, you're supposed to love Sleeping Beauty. I mean, who wants to love Sleeping Beauty when you can be Aladdin?”
Ellen Page Quotes
“I think there's a tremendous amount of guilt that goes on between mothers and daughters, no matter how good or bad their relationships are.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“I hate how box-office failures are blamed on an actress, yet I don't see a box-office failure blamed on men.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“I didn't really play dress up when I was a kid, and I'm really T-shirt and jeans-y.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“The relationships I've had with my girl friends are so powerful and meaningful. Without them I truly don't know what I'd do.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“I love playing roles that are physical, absolutely love. Whether it's just that kind of basic level of physicality or whether it's stunts.”
Ellen Page Quotes
“I think a lot of the time in films, men get roles where they create their own destiny and women are just tools, supporters for that.”

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