Autre Ne Veut Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Autre Ne Veut quotes and sayings page 2 (musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 30 we have.

Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“I have a master's in psychology, and depression and anxiety are considered to be cyclical.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“I started singing the second I could utter sound.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“I wanted to make a record that worked against the hypnagogic paradigm, for sure.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“I'd rather proliferate funny little rumors than not.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“I've never written lyrics. I get up in front of a microphone, and I just sing what comes to the top of my head.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“In the '90s, it was cool to just like R&B. But I liked Nirvana and stuff, too.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“Katy Perry's politics I could probably do without, though I have friends who have interacted with her that say she's very nice.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“My mom is the type of mom who wonders why I haven't used my psychology degree to become a successful clinical psychologist.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“There's a constant anxiety that comes from having an innate sense of self, yet existing within a homogenised, aspirational culture.”
Autre Ne Veut Quotes
“There's a real existential anxiety at having to exist not just in a generalised social framework, but a capitalist social framework.”

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