Bob Woodward Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Bob Woodward quotes and sayings page 7 (deceased journalist born on Mar 26, 1943). These are the last 5 out of 65 quotes we have for him.

Bob Woodward Quotes
“Nixon had some large achievements in foreign affairs. They will be remembered. But a president probably gets remembered for one thing, and Watergate will head the Nixon list, I suspect.”
Bob Woodward Quotes
“Nixon's grand mistake was his failure to understand that Americans are forgiving, and if he had admitted error early and apologized to the country, he would have escaped.”
Bob Woodward Quotes
“The biggest rap on me is that I don't find a Watergate every couple of years. Well, Watergate was unique. It's not something Carl Bernstein, I, or the Washington Post caused.”
Bob Woodward Quotes
“The failure of the system to deal quickly was attributable to Nixon's lying, stonewalling and refusal to come clean. So it took 26 months for the final truth to be known.”
Bob Woodward Quotes
“There may yet be another Watergate book. I have thought a book about the aftermath of Watergate and its impact could be done, perhaps by me or someone else.”

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