Brad Johnson Weight Height Education

2024 Body stats

Brad Johnson weight
226 lbs (102.5 kg)
Brad Johnson height
6' 5" (196 cm)
Brad Johnson shoe size / feet size
Not available

How much is worth?

Brad Johnson net worth
$15 Million


Brad Johnson full name
James Bradley Johnson
Brad Johnson middle name
Brad Johnson birthplace
Marietta, GA
Brad Johnson date of birth
September 13, 1968
Brad Johnson date of death
April 4, 1981
Brad Johnson location of death
Burbank, California, USA
Brad Johnson cause of death
Not available
Brad Johnson zodiac
Brad Johnson ethnicity / ethnic background
Not available
Brad Johnson nationality
Brad Johnson religion
Not available
Was Brad Johnson gay?
Not available

Education background

Brad Johnson high school
Not available
Brad Johnson college
Florida State


Brad Johnson job
Football (American)
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