Bryan Callen Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Bryan Callen quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 54 year old American actor born on Jan 26, 1971.

Bryan Callen Quotes
“Compare sending someone a text message and getting a love letter delivered by carrier pigeon. No contest.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“I guess I am attracted to older women. I'm looking for a 40-something who has had her heart broken two or three hundred times. She's going to be fun!”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“Some comics really thrive on being disrespectful, especially toward women, and it's somehow understood as edgy, but I'm the opposite. I've never liked curse words for that reason.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“Guys want a 500 horsepower car. I'd rather have one horsepower - in a horse. That's macho. You go to pick up your date and you show up on a horse.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“Women find men attractive who are aggressive... but later on, they get worried that that aggression, that alpha energy, is going to be turned back against them and their children.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“I celebrate masculinity when I'm onstage.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“I've always wanted to be a brooding, deep, dark artist, but I can never keep that facade going for more than 15 minutes.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“If you're the Rolling Stones, you can sing 'Start Me Up' for 35 years, and people still cheer.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“One of the beautiful things about podcasting is that I'm not beholding to some public entity.”
Bryan Callen Quotes
“Stand-up comedy is all you. It's your show, it's your game. You control every aspect of it - of that experience and that expression. There's really nothing quite as satisfying.”

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