Candice Accola Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Candice Accola quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 37 year old American actress born on May 13, 1987.

“I thought I'd be edgy and dye my hair red. And I dyed my hair, like, Jessica Rabbit red. It kind of allowed me to have this whole new confidence and this whole new swagger and this whole new sense of self. It kind of brought out the inner rock star in me. I had never dyed my hair like that, and no one forgot me after that.”
“When you're watching television, you don't want to watch a show where everything just works out. You don't want to see a relationship that's just blossoming and everyone's happy and sunshine and roses all the time. That's also not true in life.”
Candice Accola Quotes
“I'm more obsessed with the idea of vacation than any one particular vacation spot. I love to explore new places and cultures.”
“For skincare, I'm a Clean and Clear girl. Especially with the humidity in Georgia, Clean and Clear has been pretty good to me with all of the makeup we have to wear. My skin really responds to that product. I'm also a big fan of Kiehl's under-eye avocado cream.”
“I burn very easily, so if I forget sunscreen, I will be a tomato by the end of the day. I'm very big on sunscreen and hats. I grew up in Florida, and I love the beach, and I think it's healthy to get a little bit of color.”
Candice Accola Quotes
“I have a collection of impractical vintage dresses and jackets. I guess I never grew out of the 'playing dress up' faze. It's actually a bit of a problem.”
“My favorite thing about playing a vampire is the stunts. It's just a new, fun thing to do. Especially as a girl, being able to be all dolled up in heels and little outfits and be able to kick boys' butts, I think it's a really fun, make-believe world to play.”
Candice Accola Quotes
“I'm a television junkie.”
“In case you haven't heard, my girlfriends and I have declared the summer of 2012 as the best summer ever. The best way to document said 'best summer ever' is with a good ol' disposable camera. Smile, click, move on! Nobody gets pic approval, and there's no time wasted gathering around the camera to analyze a moment that just happened.”
“I don't think I could have a genuine relationship with someone who didn't love to travel and appreciate new foods. Traveling is a big part of my life, and I want to share that with the people close to me.”

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