Christopher Eccleston Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Christopher Eccleston quotes and sayings page 3 (61 year old actor). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 37 we have for him.
“I know exactly where I've come from, I know exactly who my mum and dad are.”
“I love Dead Ringers. A democratic set, the work was taken seriously.”
“I think film and television are really a director's medium, whereas theatre is the actor's medium.”
“I used my instincts. It's very easy to imagine how you'd feel, actually. I just had to tell the narrative.”
“Jacobean plays, before Shakespeare, were particularly visceral.”
“The person who gives you your first job is so important in any industry.”
“Twelve years on sets watching directors, I've taken a bit from everybody and rejected a lot.”
“We like to think that our parents made a decision to bring us into the world.”
“What goes down on film is different to what you see with the naked eye.”
“I care more about telly because it made me an actor and there's a much more immediate response to TV. You can address the political or cultural fabric of your country.”
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