Common Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Common quotes and sayings page 4 (52 year old musician). These are the last 5 out of 35 quotes we have for him.

Common Quotes
“I came from the South Side of Chicago wanting to be a rap artist and make videos.”
Common Quotes
“One thing I always loved about hip-hop music was the raw, boom-bap element - it felt powerful and manly.”
“I believe that music is about making quality things, making quality art, and no matter who you decide to work with, you and that person have to come up with something special, come up with something that is excellent material, so whoever hears it and reviews it will like it.”
“I think you really have to remember what you loved about making music in the first place. Ultimately, people can be like, 'We've seen this dude in many movies,' but if they hear a song and they're feeling it, they can look past all the personal things and not hold it against you that you're also an actor.”
Common Quotes
“That's why I named my album 'Finding Forever,' because that's what I was thinking about: What did I want to contribute to this world that would live beyond my physical existence?”

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