Common Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Common quotes and sayings page 3 (52 year old musician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 35 we have for him.

Common Quotes
“After you make good, quality music, then it's your job to go out there and promote it and to market it and to get it out there to the people.”
Common Quotes
“It was incredible to have J Dilla in your dining room making beats - it was one of the greatest experiences I've had.”
Common Quotes
“When I started thinking about it, I was like, 'OK, if throughout time I get labeled as a conscious artist, I'll be very much celebrated, in a way, and honored.'”
“I learned a long time ago to be honest when I'm talking to other artists. Up-and-coming artists used to come and say something, they would have a demo reel, and I would try to tell them the truth. I don't go up and say something unless I really feel it.”
Common Quotes
“Me as an artist, I've ventured off into doing all types of music. I'll do a jazz album, you know what I mean.”
“People that I care about, that I consider being friends of mine, most of the things I discuss with them I wouldn't discuss in public because it's a real relationship. It's not a relationship for the public, you know?”
“It's our responsibility for the village to say, 'Hey we're going to create these programs,' whether it's sports, creative arts, music, we need some things to give young people positive things to do, and that's including jobs.”
“What America was built on was being able to say, 'Hey, we're going to come in and use our resources to build for ourselves and our communities and build around that. We're not going to depend on others.'”
Common Quotes
“I can only speak for myself - there were times when I just wasn't inspired by creating music.”
“I come from playing sports. I compete, so I gotta be better than I was last year. I gotta get better, and that better gotta come from just growing. From learning new stuff to working on it, experience it in life, and failing.”

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