Donal Logue Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Donal Logue quotes and sayings page 3 (59 year old actor). These are the last 4 out of 24 quotes we have for him.

Donal Logue Quotes
“I got a lot of flak for having Kirk as the lead because they all claimed it was a much harder sell, but no one else could have done that part for many reasons.”
Donal Logue Quotes
“I honestly feel like we never had a bad episode by TV standards. Every week I felt there were so many strong components of the show, especially the writing.”
Donal Logue Quotes
“Well Bill Martin and Mike Schiff were the creators and they knew we had to do a family show. Everybody came at it from the angle of having been a kid and a teenager.”
Donal Logue Quotes
“Yeah, I'd done a bunch of pilots. Some that had gone for a while. One that went for 13 episodes. But I had never been on a show that had lasted more than that.”

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