Elizabeth Banks Quotes & Sayings
12 most famous Elizabeth Banks quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 51 year old American actress born on Feb 10, 1974.
“I am not afraid of much. I kill all the spiders in my house, and I'm planning to go skydiving. I am into girl power, and I'm very self-sufficient.”
“I love physical comedy. I love Oscar Wilde, I love Shakespeare comedies, I love improv.”
“Every once in a while I play a true idiot, and they're really fun to play.”
“I actually think that secrets are just a part of human nature and that everybody should have some.”
“I like my coffee light.”
“Most men I know rely on women to do all the literal dirty work.”
“I love working with a stylist but I also love having personal relationships with designers. A stylist is great for pulling together an entire outfit, accessories included, and for shaking me out of my comfort zone.”
“When I was in college I was accused of being a goody two-shoes. But every goody two-shoes has a bad side.”
“When you live in a leading lady's body, which I do, you have to constantly prove that you are funny.”
“If I ever complain about yachting around the Mediterranean with Madonna, who I just idolized as a child, I should be slapped across the face.”
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