Finley Peter Dunne Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Finley Peter Dunne quotes and sayings page 2 (journalist). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have.

Finley Peter Dunne Quotes
“The world is not growing worse and it is not growing better - it is just turning around as usual.”
Finley Peter Dunne Quotes
“Vice is a creature of such hideous mien... that the more you see it the better you like it.”
Finley Peter Dunne Quotes
“A lie with a purpose is one of the worst kind, and the most profitable.”
Finley Peter Dunne Quotes
“Most vegetarians look so much like the food they eat that they can be classified as cannibals.”
Finley Peter Dunne Quotes
“There ain't any news in being good. You might write the doings of all the convents of the world on the back of a postage stamp, and have room to spare.”
Finley Peter Dunne Quotes
“It don't make much difference what you study, so long as you don't like it.”

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