Frank Langella Quotes & Sayings
39 most famous Frank Langella quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's an 87 year old American actor born on Jan 1, 1938.
“I grew up in a household where everybody lived at the top of his lungs.”
“I'm a firm believer in absolute honesty.”
“Revelations come when you're in the thick of it, pitting yourself up against something larger than yourself.”
“Each of us needs something - food, liquor, pot, whatever - to help us survive. Dracula needs blood.”
“But I think one of the reasons I tend to stay in the water most of the time is I distrust the comfort.”
“Intelligence is enormously sexy.”
“Vampires are sexy to a woman perhaps because the fantasy is similar to that of the man on the white horse sweeping her off to paradise.”
“One of the safest places to be in the world is the stage.”
“And the test for any actor is whether you stay at the table or go away.”
“However, I don't by any means suggest that I'm always playing myself.”
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