Genevieve Buechner full name
Genevieve Sterling Buechner
Genevieve Buechner middle name
Genevieve Buechner birthplace
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Genevieve Buechner date of birth
November 10, 1991
Genevieve Buechner age in 2025
Genevieve Buechner zodiac
Genevieve Buechner ethnicity
Genevieve Buechner nationality
Genevieve Buechner religion
Not available
Is Genevieve Buechner gay?
Not available
she is 105 lbs and 5'7" (5'6.5" really )
Her eyes are Brown unless you are really close then there is a faint green circle in the center but they generally read as brown
size 7 feet
dress size 0 or 00 or 2 - it is difficult as she has a full figure and much of the time the zero dress size does not fit her chest
bra size 30-32C