George W. Bush Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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George W. Bush quotes and sayings page 7 (78 year old president). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 110 we have for him.

George W. Bush Quotes
“For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein's regime is a better and safer place.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“Our nation must come together to unite.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“The true history of my administration will be written 50 years from now, and you and I will not be around to see it.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“This way of life is worth defending.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“We can't allow the world's worst leaders to blackmail, threaten, hold freedom-loving nations hostage with the world's worst weapons.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American. Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“The resolve of our great nation is being tested. But make no mistake, we will show the world that we will pass the test.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“We've climbed the mighty mountain. I see the valley below, and it's a valley of peace.”
George W. Bush Quotes
“Bring them on.”

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