Nick Jonas Quotes & Sayings

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26 most famous Nick Jonas quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 31 year old American musician born on Sep 16, 1992.

Nick Jonas Quotes
“My thoughts on gay marriage are that everyone has the right to love and be loved, and that's the position I take.”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“Having haters is just a part of the business, and the more haters you have, the more people like you - that's how I view it, because I try to see the positive in things.”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“I love pizza; you can't really go wrong with pizza.”
“My real musical discovery started when I was 10 with Stevie Wonder and the Jackson 5, and acts that I connected with because they were young when they were doing it, like me. Then I kind of came into my own a couple of years later; I found new artists that shaped my musical landscape. For instance, Kings of Leon played a big part in that.”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“It sounds funny, but my biggest fear is that I'm not perfect. I'm a perfectionist, and I get upset when things go wrong or when I don't do well.”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“Acting has always been a passion of mine, so any opportunity that allows me to do that is definitely of interest to me.”
“I'm pretty crazy about the Yankees. When I can't actually watch a game, I TiVo it. I am also a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I don't tell many people that because I will get made fun on because I'm from New Jersey!”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“It doesn't matter if the world is pulling you down. With Christ, you have everything.”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“It's a dream of mine to win a Grammy one day. I'm not saying I'm Grammy-worthy, but it would be a dream come true.”
Nick Jonas Quotes
“My faith plays a big part in who I am: a Christian guy playing pop-rock music. I'm in a pop-rock band, not a Christian band.”

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