George Whitefield Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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George Whitefield quotes and sayings page 2 (clergyman). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 30 we have.

George Whitefield Quotes
“To preach more than half an hour, a man should be an angel himself or have angels for hearers.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“We are immortal until our work on earth is done.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“At the day of judgment we shall all meet again.”
“If your souls were not immortal, and you in danger of losing them, I would not thus speak unto you; but the love of your souls constrains me to speak: methinks this would constrain me to speak unto you forever.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“Mere heathen morality, and not Jesus Christ, is preached in most of our churches.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“The reason why the Son of God took upon him our nature, was, the fall of our first parents.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“For in Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female, bond nor free; even you may be the children of God, if you believe in Jesus.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“Among the many reasons assignable for the sad decay of true Christianity, perhaps the neglecting to assemble ourselves together, in religious societies, may not be one of the least.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“Various are the pleas and arguments which men of corrupt minds frequently urge against yielding obedience to the just and holy commands of God.”
George Whitefield Quotes
“Nothing is more generally known than our duties which belong to Christianity; and yet, how amazing is it, nothing is less practiced?”

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