Graham McTavish Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous Graham McTavish quotes and sayings. He's a 64 year old Scottish actor born on Feb 7, 1961.

“Technology is at the forefront of everything these days - communication, work. It's amazing and scary at the same time how robots have evolved, but I find it hard to believe that robots will completely rule the world. Not in my lifetime anyway.”
Graham McTavish Quotes
“I am the complete and utter definition of a Luddite.”
Graham McTavish Quotes
“I have done hard jobs in the past, and acting isn't one of them.”
Graham McTavish Quotes
“Just the idea to have everything you need essentially stored in one piece of portable technology is very exciting.”
Graham McTavish Quotes
“I came home for a week after I finished filming 'Rambo' because, after being in the jungle for three months, all I wanted to do was walk in the Highlands.”

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