Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes & Sayings

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15 most famous Gwendolyn Brooks quotes and sayings (poet). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

“When you love a man, he becomes more than a body. His physical limbs expand, and his outline recedes, vanishes. He is rich and sweet and right. He is part of the world, the atmosphere, the blue sky and the blue water.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“We are each other's magnitude and bond.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“Look at what's happening in this world. Every day there's something exciting or disturbing to write about. With all that's going on, how could I stop?”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“When you use the term minority or minorities in reference to people, you're telling them that they're less than somebody else.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“I am a writer perhaps because I am not a talker.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“Don't let anyone call you a minority if you're black or Hispanic or belong to some other ethnic group. You're not less than anybody else.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“I've always thought of myself as a reporter.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“Art hurts. Art urges voyages - and it is easier to stay at home.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“Exhaust the little moment. Soon it dies. And be it gash or gold it will not come Again in this identical guise.”
Gwendolyn Brooks Quotes
“A writer should get as much education as possible, but just going to school is not enough; if it were, all owners of doctorates would be inspired writers.”

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