Isabel Lucas Quotes & Sayings

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16 most famous Isabel Lucas quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 39 year old Australian actress born on Jan 29, 1985.

Isabel Lucas Quotes
“There's no point in dwelling on rejection.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“I go by intuition. Work-wise, that means asking myself if a role will push me outside my comfort zone, challenge me to learn something new.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“People instantly assume you can't have a platonic friendship with someone of the opposite sex. I think this may be specific to L.A. - or America.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“My best friend was Aboriginal.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“I've always been quiet, more of an observer.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“I was a barefoot earth child for a couple of years.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“I find it tricky to make plans.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“My first audition was the worst I have ever done, ever.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“I don't really get nervous for auditions, because I just see them as mini acting classes. There's no need to have an attachment to the outcome because it's out of your hands after that.”
Isabel Lucas Quotes
“Acting kind of chose me.”

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